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AHEPA Scholarships 

The American Hellenic Education Progressive Association (AHEPA) - Cowboy Chapter 211 of Cheyenne, Wyoming offers two separate onetime $500.00 scholarships, one each to graduating senior students at each of Cheyenne’s four high schools. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher. The scholarships are for students planning to attend a university, community college or trade school after graduating.


Additionally, scholarships are offered to children of AHEPA Cowboy Chapter 211 members in good standing. 


Applications will be completed online by clicking this link:





Paper copies will only be distributed to those who require the accommodation.  The deadline to submit applications is May 27, 2024.

Applicants will be notified by or before June 9th with the committee's decision.  


Awardees will be invited to a BBQ at Holy Apostles Church (9505 Hynds Blvd, Cheyenne) Fellowship Hall for recognition. 

Cowboy Chapter strongly believes in supporting the education of our youth in Cheyenne. If you have any questions, please reach out to Nick Bellack at or 330-962-5001.

AHEPA District 17 Scholarships 

District 17 Eligibility:
In order to apply and be eligible for one of the scholarships, the applicant must demonstrate that:
1.1. In all cases, AHEPA and Daughters of Penelope Chapters, sponsoring applicants, must be currently
participating in the District #17 Assessment Fund.
1.2. The applicant is a member, in good standing, for a minimum of two years of a Chapter located in District
#17, of AHEPA, Daughters of Penelope, Sons of Pericles or Maids of Athena; or
1.3. The applicant is the son or daughter of a member of a Chapter located in District #17, of AHEPA or a
member of Daughters of Penelope in good standing for a minimum of two years; and
1.4. A student in the graduating class of his or her high school and planning to attend an accredited postsecondary
education institution during the next school year.

Eligible applicants may download the application at this link: 

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